We also talked about confessions of porn stars, The worlds strongest coffee, and much more!!
I am going to share the Highlights with you. I hope you enjoy.
If you tuned in to the show tonight.. THANK YOU!!!
WE LOVE you!!!!!
Highlight #1
The Ostrich video
How awesome. Except it's a Hoax :( Cool never the less xo
Mysterious Fireball flying through the sky (Portland, Oregon)
( skip to 1:10. It will come in from the left)
The worlds strongest coffee....
Viscous Coffee
The suitably-named Ass Kicker is being served at Viscous Cafe in Adelaide, Australia and it contains the caffeine equivalent of 80 standard cups-o-joe.
Legend has it, the first incarnation of the beverage was made for an emergency department nurse who needed to stay awake. The drink was consumed over a period of two days and kept the nurse up for three days in total.
Since then, Viscous Cafe owner Steve Benington has "toned it down a little" for general sale but the drink it still comes with a warning that it is not for the faint of heart.

See you NEXT week !!! xoxoxoxo