Hello everyone!!!!!!
I am Broadcasting on justin TV. It has been quite the change. I love it but have to Adjust.
I would like to welcome my New producer. D.G to the crew!!!!! She is very talented, and has produced some very successful Shows. I am excited to see what she has in store for the show! I want to thank her for all the time and hard work she has put into the show.
(sorry on a caffine high. :O)
A few months ago i interviewed a band called Vaxxine. They are from Nebraska, and in my opinion should have been famous along time ago!!! I on Saturday went to their concert and they ROCKED the house down!!!!!!! They are so kind, and have so much energy! They even called my show out in front of the crowd a few times, and invited me on stage for a picture!!!
I was also fortunate enough this weekend to recieve a shoutout from Colorado's D.J Casey, on Magic FM !!! Thank you Casey.
If you didn't hear about me being featured on the front cover of Artchix magazine here is the link. http://artchix.tumblr.com/post/317075572/special-k-an-interview-with-radio-host-klicious
They interviewed me .. that was different being on the other side of an interview! :D
a fan of the show and supporter said he feels this year will be good for the show and so far he is right! I am still getting into my groove. So the listeners have been lower then I am used to but i won't give up!
Stay tuned for more updates, and some amazing interviews!!!!
Thank you to the following people for being a supporter, fan, and friend!!!!
D.G - thank you for putting up with my shit. Thank you for all the late nights you have spent on me, and for being a friend!!!!!
My husband- for being supportive of EVERYthing I do.
Will-for always supporting me! You have been so amazing! You believed in me when I didn't.. you see more in me then I do myself! xoxo Thank you for being in my life!!!!!!!
Breez- for being a supporter, and friend!!!!
Kat- For singing my intro and a friend.
Casey- for the mention on the station. Even tho. you feel I shouldn't live in Nebraska.. haha xoxo thank you for supporting the show, and being a good friend.
my mum- for being supportive, and coming to the shows! i love you!
Aud- for being supportive, and taking my photo's
To the ones that let me interview you!!!! xoxo I interview you because I believe in you and know you will be successful!
check them out... Firesky future, A'tris, Krooked K, Simply Sick, Vaxxine, Josh wolf (comedian stand up and on chealsea Lately), and Gail from the abuse center in California.
Vaxxine- thank you sooo much for inviting me to your concert, mentioning my show to the audience, being so kind to me, and for the awesome picture! you guys rock.
please join me on justin Tv every tuesday night 8 central 9 est. For crazy randomness and shoot the shit!