Hello everyone,

Well.. not doing a show tonight. Been very sick with pharyngitis. Nothing major, but this infection is kicking my ass! It is hard for me to sit up or walk for so long. I just get dizzy, and feel sick to my stomach. They gave me some antibiotics and I think it has helped a little. :D
I went into a show the other night with some people that got me started broadcasting. The Doghouse. (check them out on Ustream) . They are the funniest show on the net, but the most down to Earth people to listen to! (Baddog gave me the name K-licious) I have missed that show, and all of the people in it!! xoxo
Here is a quick rant about my take on the Grammys.
LadyGAGA... Amazing. She is strange, but in so many good ways. I loved her at first then hated her. It was the whole shock on the sytem type hate. She went from "normal" to WTF IS THAT. Which left my head in a weird place. After watching her on Barbra Walters I have more respect for her then i ever have. She is a good person. And a "its hard to take my eyes off her" love. When she sung with Elton John WOW! (I have to say she should have given me those glasses instead of throwing them on the floor) haha
Beyonce.. I love her but WTF WAS THAT? I did not like that performance at ALL. I did love that dress.
Kings of Leon.. FINALLY one the award they deserved! I screamed like a giddy school girl.
MJ Tribute... beautiful .. could have done without Carrie Underwood though. That would have been better with Kelly Clarkson if you ask me! Smokie sounded amazing!!! Even with his age. That man can sing! Usher and Celine sound brilliant together!
P!nk... she is amazing every time! She scared me this time with being so high up and getting all wet and spinning. I was at the edge of my seat yelling "hold on girl hold on".
Saturday I meet with my hair dresser. Going to surprise you with a new style!!! This will be interesting. muahahha
Thank you for reading. Hope all of you are healthy and happy ! xoxox
One last thing... I want to thank Will from the Griffith Center for always having my back,, and believing in me. Will you have kept me focused and strong. You are a great friend and a great support!!! xoxo
Klicious xoxo