yes she has struck again. she is so bored with her life, she is butting into mine. i am so sick of her. there are times where i want to delete all my shit from the internet, and just stay away. There are times where i know i shouldnt care. I do not care what she thinks of me, however, i just want her to leave me alone. i do not speak to this woman, nor do i care to. i dont bother anyone. i could care less what she thinks of me. i just cant handle her following me every single place i am online. like hello i have an online radio show, am i suppose to drop it for her, or my crazy ex husband? its so tempting. i am a peaceful person. i dont bother anyone .. i am just me. so why are they picking.. why the hell wont they leave me alone.
i also want to say how hurt and confused i am about my cousins fiances death. Todd spillis was a good man, and he made my cuz so happy. she lives many states away. i feel sooo damn helpless .... RIP Todd .. you are and were so loved. and we will never forget you. xoxo
There was no show on tuesday. i am better.. still stuffy n stuff... but the kiddos n hubby were sick. so i had to cancel to take care of them.
tuesday... i will be doing a show. hopefully from my laptop. :) working on the setup. haha
hope all of you are doing well.... have some new show topics, and it has been going well. for those of you who like music trivia that is back on tuesday for sure!
i hope you are ready...