remember MASH .. you write down who you like , what care you like etc.they have an online version and here are my results... haha. this was just for fun...
*You will live in Apartment.
*You will drive a blueconertable.
*You will marry Mason Taylor and have 8 kids.
*You will be a comedian in italy.
ahahahaaaaa... too funny.... heres the link if you wanna play...
check out these funny pics
Monday, July 26, 2010
good morning my sexies.
It was a long night. Great day long night. Drank a half a bottle of tequila.. kicks your ass when you are not used to tequila. Sure I drink it but not like that. The head ache was the worst!!!!!! The spins were much bigger and much longer. feeling much better today.. for those with inquiring minds.
I stumbled on this site. Check it out.. make sure your sound is on.. I love this!
Remember when AOL offered the disks for 300 to 1200 minutes of internet?
well now that its unlimited.. and i blame that for my inability to get nothing done.
some enjoy being online, some tell all online *twitter cough*.. some are addicted.
YOU decide
More than 500 million active users
the number 1 Facebook game
More than 12 million peoplelogged onto FarmVille in the last month, according to AppData, and almost 13 million pulled on their virtual overalls in Farm Town, a near-identical game developed by Slashkey
The number of Twitter users has climbed to a 75 million
the celebs seem to be extremely addicted to telling all on this simple interface
how to know YOU are addicted....... see below.
warning: may not be suitable for all viewers
"now where is that post it with my password to world of war"
"soooo sleepy"
"damn it Ernie this will teach ya to stop lookin at porn"
"Even I want this APP"
"there is def. room for a bed right overrrr......"
"damnit theres 10 minutes till my ebay auction is over. i was so close to winning
the newest slayer magic card "
This man is probably updating his twitter.
prob. went something like this
"tapping into light post for power . Kim Kardashion I am doin this for you baby show me some luv"
we all have things that make us feel young right? I focus on those. Looking at things and thinking about things that makes of think of our childhood is the best way to get the good endorphins flowing. It keeps us happy. Its a reminder of the good times.. when things were simple.
California Raisins baby..
lincoln logs. They don't make them the same!
moon shoes
girl talk .. truth or dare
old classic mcdonalds toys
the smell of artificial strawberries before bed
how else were we going to learn to sneak our BF through the window?
popples.. took me awhile to be able to tuck it inside itself
pound puppies
speak n spell
rainbow brite
Gremlins (i love Gremlins)
The ZX Spectrum
and something about 80's music that is soothing to me!
There are so many more things. Truly I could be here all day posting things I love from my childhood. Its def. good therapy...
I always get nervous the day of cause you never know if someone will forget or make plans and totally forget about the interview.
Lisa got on skype 30 minutes before the interview. I was setting everything up and when i signed back into skype she was still there. I said "hey are you there" And no later she called me from her skype. She went on video and everything. When she first said hello she sounded nervous. But we hit it off, and it was like i have known her for years!
When i seen Lisa oncelebrity rehab, I thought she was awesome. She opened up on television about something that was so emotional, and so painful. That took a lot of guts!
She has her share of haters. I would really like to face all of them and smack them. She is truly REAL... and so full of energy. She took the time to listen to what I had to say. I wish everyone would do that for her!
If you missed it .. no worries you can listen to the interview right here!!!
Thank youLISAfor taking your time out for THE KLICIOUS SHOW. We loved you and we wish you the best in your success! xoxo
I intend to keep up with it again. The Show has taken up every spare second I have.
Here is whats in store on the Klicious Show.
interviews... have an interview with Melssa J. coming up. She is a small town girl with a huge voice. She will AMAZE you!
Have 2 other interviews confirmed but until a date is set i won't say.. just in case.
Lets just say one of the interviews so far from anything I have ever done. And when it's done Entertainment tonight will be begging for a copy ;p
please take a minute to check out my friends over at outlet Radio... They are amazing !
Special thanks to WILL .. he is so good to me. He has given me strength to take this all on and want more!!!! xoxo