Happy Friday everyone!!! What are your plans for the weekend? I have been sicker then a dog.. its ruining my life.. ughh. But I am going to watch Nebraska VS O.U this weekend! Going to be good .. i can feel it.

Here are my solutions to avoiding the common cold.
1. don't go out in public. With all those infected people sneezing, and coughing,, its best to stay home. If its close to Christmas, and friends and family ask why they didnt get a gift, you tell them me not getting a cold, means you are not getting one. thats your gift, wheres mine?
2. disinfect everything. door handles, furniture, the cat, the dog, and do not forget your "toys"... hey there is fluid down there, you must not take a chance..
3. lock your doors. oohhh sorry mother n law.. you might be a "carrier"..
So those were mine... feel free to add to them..
in all seriousness.. it is that time of the year. To avoid the common cold.... wash your hands frequently, use sanitizer, disinfect your house, and cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze so others arent as easily infected. People often think "well i have it .. so i could care less if i cover my mouth" inconsiderate bastards. Don't you people have any manners????
I hope all of you have a much better weekend then these folks did.......
ohhhhh snap. Love you Charlie
savin that for later???
uhhh... dont ask........
I do not promote drinking... i DO promote SAFE drinking...
just sayin...
Have a great and fun weekend... oh and gooooooooooooo Huskers!!!!