I just love.....
leg warmers and gloves (with missing fingers. Not sure if they have a name.)
neon shades ( Mine were pink with black sides)
Layered socks. Oh yeah. oooo ow ow
Shirts 2 sizes to big. These are back and sexy as ever!!!
Not so much now, but I did love my jellies.
My Converse shoes. I still love Converse.
But not so much the hi top kind.
The cute paint splatter clothing. (Not so cute in the not favorites seen below)
The side pony tail. ( I love this girls look. Smokin eh?)

I wouldn't do my eye shadow that way. I keep my make up natural.
Granny boots as they call them. I didn't have a pair. My sister did ( I do not claim her now) And I loved them.
Jump suits. Mine was similar to this one, but green. Be nice. It actually got me my modeling gig. Yes I wore it into the 90's, but I worked it!
Jump suits now are extremly sexy!
Slap bracelets. Oh EM GEE . These were my addiction! They have them now but they are made so damn cheap! I seen some at Claire's and slapped one on out of excitement. Can you say ouch! That shit hurt! I gave the cashier a dirty look and said that wasn't nice. And walked out.
Jelly bracelets.
Jelly water bracelets.. yes!
skirt with leggings. Oh how I loved mine! Mine even had a matching shirt. Now you have to buy them separate! Greedy bastards.
I don't get the point, but I had so many of these damn things. Not sure what to call them. (It's the round thing on her shirt. You weave your shirt in between.)
I am sure there is so much I am forgetting. But now it's time for the worst of 80's fashion. Caution.. The K.Licious Show is not responsible for any vomit that may exit your stomach into your throat thus causing severe eye aches and muscle spams.
Parachute Pants
Even worse. Yes I said it.
Stir-up pants!!!!!!!!! I had so many pairs. Lawd help meh!
See the girls feet? Those damn things pulled the pants , it looked liked you had no legs what so ever! A thing of the past, and I still feel the pain!
Bad splatter clothes! YIKES! You can make these yourself, but would you wear it?
Acid wash jeans...
yuck ^
YES!!!!! I love this...
This is NO!
Yes I had a dress with puff sleeves. Yes I wore black tights! YIKES!
Big bangs! The higher the better!!!! Prepare yourself.
I could never get mine THAT high. But I spent 20 minutes teasing them. At least!
I never wore these .. there is good reason for that. But the guys seemed to have liked them.
Thats the end of the fashion. Remember these games?????
^More of a toy then a game. But it's a must.
Not quite sure what this means "blood games". All girls. Better not ask.
Spoeaking of 80's games. There is a site that you can play classic Commodore games! May sound lame, but would be something to do or laugh at . If you try it let me know if its any good.
Commodore games click here
For the last part, here are the best and worst movies. What was your favorite 80's movie? It's funny how some when I watched them they were awesome, and now when I watch them, I sit it disgust. Some 80's movies are still pretty good. They had actual actors, and actual story lines. Good or bad you decide.
A Christmas story
Back to the future
(MY FAV!) The breakfast club
Dirty Dancing (imma cry)
The Goonies
( I have talked to the guy who played Chunk. He is a grown man.. who's grown out of that cute chubby kid, to a very good looking skinny man He is very nice too. )
The Lost Boys
Pretty In Pink
These are just some of my favorites
Now for the not so good movies of the 80's...
Killer Clowns .
Stephen Kings It was good this.. not so much.
I have not seen this. But I have heard its bad. The picture isn't helping any!
Meet the Feebles.
rated bad.. But I found it humorous.
The Garbage Pail Kids both
WTF.. Never heard of it. Ratings are really low. so ...
Surf Nazis must die
Howard the Duck
I watched this when I was young and thought it was great! Went out as a young adult searching for this movie high and low. Had to order it from a mall video store. Paid 25.00 bucks for the VHS. Watched it once and was appalled by the thought of a human and a duck getting it on. This gets a thumbs up for the humor outside of the human duck love. But a thumbs down for the duck human love.
Pee Wee's Big Adventures
(I know you are but what am I ? )
Although I loved it then. shhhhhh
There are so many things of the 80's that hold onto me. But some that make me feel a bit sick to my stomach. Either way, I believe the 80's of everything (esp music) has a huge impact on most of us today. Wether good or bad, it works.
Thank you for stopping by! Have a great weekend xoxoxo