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Thursday, April 21, 2011

nes games you probably haven't heard of...

will be discussing these on the show tonight!!!!! NES claims these are porn.. what do you think???

Bubble babe.. really... lmao . I mean hello.. bubbles coming out of her ass. kills meh. Most importantly... whats rubbing her thigh there.. anyways.

hot slots.. the only thing that needs to be banned from this game is the annoying music.. gahhh. i dont see whats so "porn" about this but maybe its just me.

peek a boo poker... haha pok-er penny.. hahaha. (you should see her when she's mad!)

 These games are worth 1,000 bucks! wooooot

1 comment:

  1. This woman is a con artist and a thief. She stole money from Me and several others. You are going to jail.
