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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nov. 3rd. update.... and more

Well. I'd be lying if I said that I am not enjoying time off from the show. But I'd be lying if I said that I'm not lost. (Breez hush) I feel like a part of me is  missing. And it's making me kinda sad. But the good news is, I have worked on 2 videos to promote the show and working on a commercial. I do my own voice overs ( cause I am picky and having someone to help you and to be bossy is hard for me). I get sick of hearing my own voice. Blehh....

I am having the Journey of a lifetime.  I have met some amazing people. I have met some that were not as amazing I thought. And some that were even more amazing then I thought. But it wouldn't be complete without the balance of both.

As most of you know, I am extremely passionate about music. Music is my release. Like a journal.. or blog.. like this accept I do not jot down everything I feel. Not my strong suit. That's where music comes into play. yes literally. I can't explain why it is this way for me, but it always has. Music IS my DRUG! It's sad, for this reason.. if I don't listen to music for just 1 day, my temper is quicker, my irritability level dramatically goes up. ETC. ETC.  Although a lot would say those things are in my head bloddy bloddy.. my friends and family have pointed this out to me. I mean we all have our things, that just so happens to be mine.

When the show comes back (right after Thanksgiving) I will let everyone know exactly when. I want to have everything covered... and make sure it's the right time to come back. Cause when I come back Imma come back with a bang!

So stay tuned for some crazy shit.... cause just because I am not on air doesn't mean Imma shut up!!!!!!!!!!  This is justthe begining!

thank you everyone who has been a HUGE support!!!!!!!!  Sometimes a kick in the ass is all I need!! xoxo

some videos... music of course. ENJOY!

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