Think I'm kidding?????
Here are some tips i have learned along the way.
To ease a hangover...
1. EAT before you drink... and let it settle a little bit. More then a cracker would be best.
2. drink slow.. my slow is pounding shot after shot, and drink after drink. no breathing in between.
3. Stay hydrated. i do i do ... oh they meant water??? crap.. now they tell me!
4.Take ibuprofen before during after,... and after after.
5. have intimate relations with your partner or self. Hey it helps believe me!
So what did everyone do last night? Were you one of the people I drexted? (drunk texted) And what are your plans for tonight??
Every year after Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year! BLACK FRIDAY!
YES i said it. I think its a rush. It can be scary and exhilarating at the same time!
The first year i had ever gone was back in 2001. It was me my friend, and her sister. We went to Walmart, Nebraska Furniture Mart and a few other places ( cant remember) . But i do remember my first experience with an angry black woman over a BRATZ doll. Her and I stared at eachother knowing what was going to happen. We both look up at the last Bratz doll on the very top shelf. To me it was the slow motion movement , as we both reached up as fast as we could. With both of our hands on this package, The Bratz doll , her removable feet, extra clothes and accessories , i yanked that package out of that womans hand, and yelled " haaaa sucka". And yes i ran like a little bitch.. but who got the stupid bratz doll?? ME!
I ran through the entire store not looking back. This woman meant business and i wasn't taken any chances of me hurting someone. .. just sayin. I went up to my friend yelling "we have to go come on come on hurry " She paniced and started screaming " what the hell did you do?" I said it doesnt matter right now just run... we checked out and got the hell out of their! What a thrill! I am not a hateful person but i needed this doll for my little girl.
What are your black Friday stories???? Please leave your story below!!!
oh and a tidbit for those who bring their children with them on black Friday... DON'T!!!!! People are crazy. People get shot for goodness sake!
On top of it its cold!! Don't make your little ones sit out in the cold!
Here is a video from Walmart 2009. This is just one out of millions out there that show an example of the craziness.
Have an amazing , fun and safe weekend!
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