wow its the end of November?????? Reallyyyy? Where the hell the time go?
Here are some funny Thanksgiving pictures for your entertainment pleasure......
CRAP... should I break it him???

here are some free downloads for you !!!!!!
What are your plans for Thanksgiving??? Doing any shopping? On or the day after????? Here are some things you may find helpful if you are planning to !!!!
They are having some amazing deals this year! They want to give you the same deals as the larger retailers do!!!
check this out!
amazing sales from electronics, toys and Christmas items! Follow them ob Facebook and enter to win a gift card!
their online sales are amazing... i see a lot of free shipping items!!
for their toy catalog
Toys R us toy book, even i love looking through this!
Kohls has some amazing deals as well! I love Kohls
So there's a little help to get you started for the Holidays!!!!
please pass these on!!!!!!
I won't be on to Blog until Friday.
I want to wish all of you an amazing Thanksgiving. I do not care for Thanksgiving. (who needs to eat all day? NOT me!) I am thankful everyday for the amazing people in my life! Here are the things I am greatful for this year. I will probably miss a few things, but here it goes.
1. my family. I have an amazing family!!!!! I am grateful for them and they are all healthy!!
2. I know i said my family but i have to say how greatful i am for my mom. She brought me into this word, and has always been a huge support to me my entire life. Even when I made bad choices, she would guide me the best she could. She let me fall .. she stood there with her hand and said " sometimes we have to fall in order to stand on our own to feet" . That never made much sense to me. Until I grew up. My mom is amazing in ways she will never see. Shes kind, funny, supportive, and fair. She is so amazing even my friends and online friends adopt her!
3. our house, my car, my clothes, coffee, vodka, make up, my straightner, shampoo, lotion, my toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, vodka, hmmmmm i know theres more.
4. my friends. I am serious. I have the most kick ass friends a girl could have!!! They never judge me. Even when i am a bitch they come back! How awesome is THAT? They accept me even when I am cray, silly, or just totally weird. They add stuff to it. That is the best feeling in the world! They even look at me when my hairs a mess or i have no make up on! I love you guys!
5. My show!!! I have been on the air for about 6 years. It has been an amazing Journey! I have met the most amazing people. I have met celebrities, producers, managers, bands, singers, comedians, and people in all sorts of fields! I have many supporters. I dont know how on earth i got so lucky but I appreciate it so much. I wake up to so much positive feedback! I think to myself, these people like the show? They like me? wow! I never take it for granted. I just melt. Thank you Lost and FrankieLee for everything you do for me!! Thank you Artchix magazine for featuring me on your magazine, WILL for being a huge support!!! He is so kind and uplifting. To James for teaching me all I need to know about Broadcasting!!!!! And to all of the guests that have been on the show! xoxo
6. I am thankful for humor, and laughter. It gets me through life with ease!!!
7. Vodka! you have held me together ... in good and in bad,
Hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving day! And i will be back Friday!!!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving and looking forward to the show next week!! We have MISSED you!!! <3