1. It's hard to get up at 6 am after being able to sleep in till 7 or 8 on the weekends. Yes that makes a big difference to me. That hour or 2 defines me. I'm not laughing.
2. My kids are monsters!! Unorganized unmotivated.. and just plain crabby. So i wake up with one eye open. Listening for any sounds of struggle or sounds of name calling. Today just so happen to be a good day. My 12 year old woke up and smiled!!! OMG its going to be a good Monday!!!! haaaaaaa
With that said.... here are some of my favorite types of photos besides nature. The most creative ads. Just fun to look at. There are sooo many of these but here are just a few of my favorites ....... which one is your favorite?
how about the most creative rings ever designed??? Which would you wear??? which do think is WAY over the top???? I think they are all a bit much... but I would wear the lock ring..
^can be used as a glass..hmm kinda cool..shot of vodka comin up
never forget what day it is! ^
pretty cool but would you wear it??^
^HOLY sea shit.. i mean shell
^shrink me and put me in !
^you will def. be tired. HA..bad joke
^^what the shit?
^kinda cool yo
^^^^^ K.Licious fav! I LOVE ETTT!
^That would bug me. ha get it.. ahh nevermind
^kinda cool. I love old things, fantasy stuff etc. hmm i'd wear this too
I really enjoy and appreciate things. Art, nature, jewelry, beauty, clothes, etc. I love fantasy stuff like faeries, old art, old homes, the way they dressed back in the day.. with the fancy dresses... etc. which has inspired a new photo shoot.. but considering the props we will need.. that wont be the next photo shoot but the one after. Stay tuned!!!!
check this out.. i find useless things on the net all of the time. I love that stuff. Hey useless things need love too. click below too see what I found to be just a bit amusing...
click here.
Here is a different kind of puzzle. Good stress reviler..
click here for animated puzzle
make your own beats
And a video to end todays post.. a tic tac artist of music... pretty good considering! i tried to blow into a tic tac box.. it didnt work for me.. hopefully i will master it by Thursdays show.. till then..enjoy!! xoxo
Very interesting views today , I enjoyed all of it but would not wear the rings , but liked a couple of them ... Lol ! Have a good day !
ReplyDeleteI'm happy your 12 year old smiled ...