ohhhh it has already been a shitty day!!!! I have pissed off a dozen people already at least!!! NO I am not pms'n . I havent felt very good since my 2 year old was born. Maybe theres a utensil stuck up my kusplopus ..who knows. What I do know, is that on top of being tired all of the damn time, my kids are always complaining! They do have manners , and they are great kids. But lately its constant whining, constant fighting and constant complaining. I think I am in severe need of a vacation!!!!!!!! When i do go on vacation i will miss my kids. grrr brain make up your mind. see I argue with myself....now you know what its like to be me! lmfao
this blog is for my entertainment today. If you are entertained by chance awesome. Olther wise too damn bad... its just not my day! :D

^^i wonder if they have a pamplet so i can plan my trip? ;)

okay that made me laugh...^
^totally me. After kids my body just doesnt do what i want! i really miss my energy!
^Thats what I'm doing wrong!
omg.. this baby is a ham! scared of mom when mom blew her nose. hahahaa so funny..
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