to you i share with you this....
going to try my best to make my comeback this Thursday. Technology can be crazy.
I promote the amazing, and talented Awesome Jassim. if you havent liked his fan page or subscribed to his youtube please do so now. see links below. Thank you <3 I will love you forever!
awesome jassims facebook
Awesome Jassim's youtube
heres a laugh xoxoxo ENJOY!
things that parents say..
1. Dad: when life gives you lemons, squeeze the juice into your enemy's papercuts.
2. *upon seeing my dad pick his nose*
Me: EWWW don't pick your nose! Dad: Why? Everyone picks their nose. The question is, are you a roller or a chewer?(seriously??? thats wrong!)
3. Mom (while in a stall at a public bathroom): Oh! I AM wearing underwear!
a parody of i whip my hair back n forth. thought it was appropriate for fathers day :D
heres the photos from the photo shoot if you havent seen them. Thank you to Wright photography. Shes amazing, and knows what is best. xoxo
Thank you for reading !! you guys are amazing. The show is nothing without you!!!! xoxo my numbers are flying, please keep coming back and suggest our blog to your friends xoxo
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