Jimmy Fallon never seizes to amaze me.. check his rendition of Jeremy by Eddie Vedder.
He may not get nominated for an MTV award. But he is pretty damn good! I think he should do more songs. What do you think??????????
Jimmy Fallon's musician impressions are accurate to the point that the uninformed viewer could be forgiven for not realizing it's a gag. Such was the case on Thursday's episode of 'Late Night' when the host did a spot-on Eddie Vedder and paid tribute to Knicks star Jeremy Lin.
Fallon parodied the Linsanity to the tune of Pearl Jam's 'Jeremy' with lyrics like, "At home shooting free throws/and three point shots/waiting for a job/name not yet a pun."
"The Knicks were 8 and 15/oh and before that, no one really cared/now Jeremy is winning/and the Knicks don't suck," Fallon sang, nailing his Vedder impression right down to the suede-shirt, cut-off shorts outfit the rocker wore in the early '90s
What better way to start off a Monday!! Nothin like a good ol crazy butt story!!
What comes into peoples minds (we already know what they put in their tookus) when they do put these things where they shouldn't be. And why we will never know. They must look around their house out of boredom ... Check it out..
This gives a whole new meaning to.. you have the key to my heart! Someone needs to tell them where their heart is located.
If your cell phones in there... how THEE hell are you suppose to answer it? Wait... ah nevermind.
A Zippo? Really? Okay whoever told this person they were hot shit.. should let them know .. they didn't mean it literally!
They defenetly lost a Nascar bet. If your driver loses .. you have to shove a car up your ass. Duhhh everybody knows that.
With this plastc bottle.. no one will ever go thirsty. Open up ( she will her legs if you your mouth)
ohhhh was Edna mad when she found out .. her condensed milk was missing! No cookies for Earl tonight! (or in this case no pie)
This beats any coke commercial ever made! Genius !!
If you are scared of the dark... this is how we do et! This is how we do et. Sha lah lah lowee.
He lost a game of quarters.. So therefore and thus... he must.. insert this glass into his rectum.. i reckon.
I have an idea!!!!!!!!!! Butt wait thats not my brain!
(haha that WAS a good one)
Hope you enjoyed todays post!!!!!
The K.licious show every Thursday 8 pm central!!! (temporarily on Talkshoe)
Experiments performed with a team of nano quadrotors at the GRASP Lab, University of Pennsylvania. Vehicles developed by KMel Robotics
For some people, flying robots are a dream; for others, they are a nightmare from a dystopian sci-fi novel. Whichever camp you fall in, you’ll probably appreciate a video showing flying machines performing some pretty advanced maneuvers.
A flying nano quadrotor (a multicopter that is lifted and propelled by four rotors) is quite cool by itself, but, as the video above shows, things become really interesting when several such machines join to create a flying swarm.
The folks from the GRASP Lab, University of Pennsylvania, have been working on several projects that include autonomous vehicles and autonomous robots working together as a group.
“The challenge is to design systems, which exhibit a goal-driven behavior, while sensing and reacting to changing environment,” says GRASP in its description of the Autonomous Aerial Vehicles project.
Another project called SWARMS (Scalable sWarms of Autonomous Robots and Mobile Sensors) tries to understand and apply swarming behaviors in nature to large networked groups of autonomous vehicles