I have been gone for months and I come back to find this blog has had
Whahooo.... how was that possible?
Who paid you to come here. tap tap.
I have dealt with crazies. Face to face and via the net. I have had hate letters...love letters and criticism from so many via the net. I do not take anything from the internet seriously. But what I do take seriously, is hate.
Let me get to the point. Meet Dakota Rose.
A 16 year old girl from Japan
Not normal 16 year old girl.
She is known to be a real life barbie doll.
She looks quite anime.
Beautiful right?
Sure... look at some more pics.

Theres something different about all of these. look close and you will see.
Here is the REAL Dakota ............... on the right side. your right.
And the secret is out.
The END.
Waaait okay okay okay. Theres more!!!!!!!!!
So Dakota doesnt look like a real life Anime . Shes still cute right? Not so much.
Her inners stink.
I am all about SEXY being inside as well as out.
This girl is HATEFUL!
When she was exposed and called out it got bad. But even before then.. she used words like FAG ( i hate this word..used for cigarettes or whatever way its used. i hate that word. )
This girl was in the public eye calling people Fags and nasty lesbians...and slapping prejudice everywhere she went.
Her sexiness level -10
( Heres a new photo)
She photoshops all of her photos. (obviously) and she is getting more intense with it.
But shes hateful too.
She was really 19 not 16 at the time.
You obviously think little of yourself Dakota....to change your entire look , and then spew hate where ever you go! AWESOME!
So now shes a model for Bravo Models in Tokyo....
I have to admit set aside all of her ignorance, shes a photoshop
Genius! She even has a special lens for her computer to make her look different. I did not know until I worked on this story, that you could change your looks like that on video.
check out this lovely wisdom of ignorance she shares..
Her sister was into internet fame before Dakota started.
Her sister Kristin Kiki Kannibal..... who at 14 was trashed all over the net...her home vandalized...a case investigated due to online pedophiles. She posted all sorts of half clothed photos of herself of her pouting. (They lived in Florida... but now claim to live in Japan.) .WHERE was this mom. I mean you can work work work but still have rules.. you can disconnect things and give your child internet when you are home. I mean come on!
Here is KIKI
hmmmmmmmm photo shopped too?????
Their mom, defends them so you know where they got their hatred.
And shes famous ..... AWESOME!
SEX sells.
Doesnt matter what an asshole you are...
SEX sells.
heres more of her words of wisdom

So how does Dakota model
if shes modeling a body that is not hers?????
I know too many that were just starting out with their internet fame...and now that they have they act high and mighty.
We will see........WE will SEE!
Thank you for reading. I know i need to write more. And i will .. I promise. xoxoxoxo
Wasnt she born as a he? Wouldn't that make he/she a fag? So Dakotas a bit of a hypocritical bullshitter, nothing wrong with being who or what you want to be as long as your'e not a biggot :)